
New risks and a continuously changing legal landscape pose significant challenges for many professions. Our liability experts offer you appropriate reinsurance cover for your liability insurance risks.


We offer Treaty and Facultative reinsurance solutions for a broad range of Casualty exposures and coverages.

Coverages include General Liability, Products Liability, Products Recall, Liquor Liability, Railroad Protective/Owners & Contractors Protective Liability, Pollution/Environmental Impairment Liability, Commercial & Personal Umbrella, Homeowners/Householders Liability, and Workers’ Compensation.

General Liability

General Liability

The General Liability landscape is turbulent, diverse, and evolving – but with over 100 years in the business, we’ve weathered it all. The depth and breadth of Gen Re’s experience provides a unique three-dimensional grasp of General Liabilities’ many classes, coverage forms, and jurisdictions. We support carriers that are new to the GL line as well as those writing challenging classes like construction, habitational, or manufacturing. Our expertise and broad risk appetite empower our clients to write a wide array of profitable business.



At Gen Re we have been providing Umbrella reinsurance in the U.S. for more than 55 years and are continually investing in this volatile line of business. With our clients we share our expertise as well as information about current trends we are monitoring with our dedicated line of business underwriters. We also offer underwriting, pricing, forms, marketing, and claims support for this unique product.

Workers' Comp.

Workers' Compensation

When offering Workers’ Compensation, underwriters must consider issues such as challenges to exclusive remedy, return to work, opt-out WC, medical marijuana, medical inflation, medical innovation, investment income, the ACA, opioids, data analytics, and a medical system that at times can seem to work against the injured worker and Workers' Comp statutes and guidelines.

Upcoming Events

Here are some of the upcoming industry events our team is attending in the next few weeks. Please stop by and say hello!


Tools and Resources

Gen Re Connect

Customized application for clients to place Facultative Programs reinsurance.

PRIME Learning Experience

Gen Re’s Primary Insurance Management Exercise, or PRIME, is a computer-assisted exercise only offered by Gen Re. It helps our clients better understand the decision-making processes involved in running an insurance company.

More Information


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Contact Us

We would love the opportunity to learn more about you, your challenges and goals, and how we might be able to help. Please reach out to us via email or phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

Casualty Facultative



Commercial Umbrella

Personal Umbrella

Workers' Compensation

Casualty Facultative
