
Certified Underwriting Specialist

Medical Underwriting Programme
CII CPD accredited programme

Underwriting is essential to insurance performance. Only well-trained underwriters will be able to drive the business forward. The Gen Re Medical Underwriting Programme is a comprehensive course that enables participants to gain relevant knowledge and to become certified underwriting experts.

The four course modules systematically address the most important topics within Life, Critical Illness, and Disability underwriting. Lectures are followed by case study workshops during which programme participants apply their newly acquired knowledge to real life scenarios.

Master the course and receive the CII CPD accredited title “Certified Underwriting Specialist – CUS”!


Cologne February 26 - March 1, 2024

Certified Underwriting Specialist – Module 2

Module 2 of the CII accredited Gen Re Medical Underwriting Programme focuses on infectious, endocrine, and gastrointestinal diseases in Life and CI insurance. As non-medical topic we’ll additionally discuss avocational risks.

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Cologne June 24 - 28, 2024

Certified Underwriting Specialist – Module 3

Module 3 of the CII accredited Gen Re Medical Underwriting Programme focuses on urinary, oncological, neurological, and mental diseases in Life and CI insurance. Additionally, we’ll have a look at the non-medical topic of financial risks.

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Cologne November 4 - 8, 2024

Certified Underwriting Specialist - Module 4

Module 4 of the CII accredited Gen Re Medical Underwriting Programme focuses on dermatological, ophthalmologic, ENT, orthopaedic, and mental diseases in Life and Disability insurance. This seminar’s additional non-medical topic is occupational risks. 

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Global February 17 - 21, 2025

Certified Underwriting Specialist - Module 1

Module 1 of the CII accredited Gen Re Medical Underwriting Programme focuses on diagnostic data, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in Life and CI insurance. Additionally, the seminar addresses the non-medical topic of residential risks.

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Advanced Underwriting Series

CII CPD accredited programme

A transformation of underwriting is underway and tomorrow’s underwriters will need to master many new or different roles. While routine tasks will become more and more automated, underwriters will face a wider set of responsibilities.

Technological developments will continue to change processes, and new customer groups will require specific communication skills. Advances in medical treatments will bring additional opportunities and challenges for the future of underwriting.

Gain proficiency to be prepared for the future of underwriting!


Cologne May 13 - 17, 2024

Medical Expertise in Underwriting

Medical Expertise in Underwriting is a Gen Re seminar in the Advanced Underwriting Series. The module explores current medical advancements in areas such as obesity, cancer and neurology and their implications for underwriting and product design. Discuss fictitious cases with our internal and external medical doctors.

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Cologne October 14 - 18, 2024

Mental Health in Underwriting

Gen Re Event The module Mental Health in Underwriting is part of the Advanced Underwriting Series. The seminar will guide experienced underwriters through the most relevant mental health issues found in their daily work and analyse yellow/red flags in underwriting. Benefit from Gen Re’s mental health experts.

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Cologne Date To Come

Quality Processes in Underwriting

Quality Processes in Underwriting is a module of our Underwriting Advanced Level series. The week discusses the improvement of underwriting processes, challenges and chances through change as well as future demands on underwriting workflows. Upskill with our Gen Re and external specialists. 

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Cologne Date To Come

Professional Communication in Underwriting

Professional Communication in Underwriting is part of our Gen Re Underwriting Advanced Level seminars. The module analyses questioning and listening techniques, argumentation strategies, dealing with difficult clients as well as delivering unfavourable decisions. Boost your skills with our communication experts.

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Management & Leadership Course

The Executive Programme for the 21st Century

In times of complexity and change, the insurance industry faces multiple challenges. Innovation and creativity are key factors for success. Capable decision-makers with a strategic business mindset and elaborate leadership skills are needed.

The Gen Re Management & Leadership Course prepares insurance managers and leaders to meet future trends with confidence and ability, and to inspire and drive forward efficient performance in their organisations.

Lead through the industry’s future challenges!


Spotlights – The Webinar Series for Life/Health Professionals

Global June 13, 2023

2023 DeLETE ----- Spotlights - Immunotherapies – The today and tomorrow in cancer treatment

Current cancer research focuses on the development of new treatment methods that harness the capabilities of the body’s own defence system. This webinar reviews the current state of immunotherapy research and outlines its relevance for underwriting and product development.

Great things in business are never done by one person. Product design, pricing, sales, underwriting, and claims assessment all play important parts in the ongoing insurance cycle. Spotlights, our series of 60-minute webinars, turns the spotlight on trending topics across this value chain and highlights research results for successful operations.

Gen Re’s inhouse experts will discuss future insurance trends with a digital audience tuning in from around the world. Boost your business potential by following our Spotlights series!


Global March 21, 2024

Critical Illness and Disability Insurance – Competition or Valuable Coexistence?

Gen Re Spotlights Client Series Disability and Critical Illness insurance both offer a living benefit and serve a similar purpose. This webinar describes different design options of the two products and discusses how they could complement each other in a meaningful way. 

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Global April 30, 2024

The Transgender Perspective – Diversity and Inclusion

Gen Re Spotlights Client Series Transitioning from one gender to another is a very complex process that differs between individuals. This webinar reviews challenges in the process of a transgender transition and explores why diversity and inclusion play a significant role in the insurance business.

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Global June 18, 2024

Interpreting Lab Data – How to Read and Interpret Deviating Values?

Gen Re Spotlights Client Series Laboratory values are an integral part of basic medical diagnostics and of an underwriter’s everyday risk assessment. This webinar discusses the meaning and importance of deviations in lab values and the association between these deviations and possible diseases.

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Global September 19, 2024

What is a Standard Risk? The Need for an Updated Underwriting Philosophy

Gen Re Spotlights Client Series Today’s underwriters are confronted with the fact that hardly any client is without diagnostic findings. This webinar analyses how to determine the relevance of disclosed application details and how to modify the underwriting philosophy.

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Iberian Peninsula / Latin America October 30, 2024

Desarrollo y Tendencias de la Industria de Seguros de Vida y Salud – Una Entrevista

Gen Re Spotlights Client Series En los últimos años la industria de Seguros de Vida y Salud ha sido duramente golpeada por varias razones. En este webinar tocamos temas de fuerte actualidad en la economía y las tendencias recientes de nuevas tecnologías.

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Global November 26, 2024

Automation in Life Insurance – The Customer Journey from Underwriting to Claims

Gen Re Spotlights Client Series Automation and new technologies will continue to impact key roles in insurance companies, including processes in underwriting and claims. This webinar reviews recent trends in digitisation and identifies valuable features for claims automation. 

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Add Ons

What else can we do for you?

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Underwriting Focus

The biannual newsletter Underwriting Focus addresses global trends and challenges in underwriting. Life/Health underwriters will benefit from articles and exemplary case studies analysing present and anticipating future market developments.

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GenIUS is a digital underwriting game that creates a virtual insurance market in which different companies (the individual teams) compete for Life insurance business following preset strategies.

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Inhouse Training

Our inhouse offers are training solutions tailored individually to your company’s needs. The range of topics extends from technical content, such as specific underwriting or actuarial topics, to soft skill training.

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“The world is full of change. What is your next step?”

Do you have any questions? Please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Business School Team.