Market Research & Surveys

Market research, surveys and more.

Market Research & Surveys

At Gen Re, we produce leading marketplace surveys for the benefit of our clients and the insurance industry as a whole.

Depending on the scope, these can cover information on product design, sales channels, and portfolio structure as well as a detailed analysis of the experience of specific products. Clients also benefit from our individualized services including business monitoring. Learn more about solutions in your market from your local account manager.

Asia Critical Illness Insights

Being the first reinsurer of the Critical Illness/Dread Disease product back in 1983 in South Africa, Gen Re has continued to innovate in its products and develop strong insights in the space of Critical Illness insurance.

From our flagship project, the Dread Disease Survey (Critical Illness Insights) back in 1996 until today, Gen Re has continued to conduct studies, providing our clients with updated trends both within their market and across the region.


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Critical Illness Insights

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Hong Kong

Critical Illness Insights

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Critical Illness Insights

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Critical Illness Insights

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Market Insights

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Scope of Analysis

  • New Business Trends
  • Disease Specific Study
  • Cancer Site Analysis
  • Selection Effect Analysis
  • Anonymized Benchmarking
  • Multivariate analysis on claims experience
  • Experience from other variables such as occupation, BMI, and policy origin

About the Study

The Critical Illness Insights (Dread Disease) Study provides a wealth of detailed information about industry products and trends in claims experience. Participants have access to market benchmarks from various aspects and are provided company-specific analysis. 

If you are interested in participating in the survey, please contact your market representative or the head of the Critical Illness Insights team, Samuel Lim.

German Data Pools

In times of tightening margins, continual monitoring of biometric risks is more important than ever. We aggregate anonymized portfolio data of German primary insurance companies and evaluate the claims experience since 1998 on an actuarial basis.

Data pools are an effective way of significantly increasing statistical significance compared with analyses at client level. In addition, the participating companies can thus better assess their position in the market. The examination of a wide variety of variables over time makes it possible to rapidly identify changes in the company's own portfolio and in the market, making it an important tool in risk management.

You have the option of participating in the following three biometric data pools:

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Mortality Pool

Analysis of mortality for life insurance policies with death cover – term life, approx. 50% market coverage 

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Disability Pool

Analysis of disability, recovery and mortality in occupational disability insurance, approx. 30% market coverage 

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Annuity Pool

Analysis of mortality in private annuity insurance, approx. 20% market coverage 

Scope of Analysis

We perform univariate and multivariate analyses and use analytics methods such as GLMs.

The analyses include:

  • Structural analyses of new business
  • Claims experience compared to the current industry tables of the German Actuarial Association DAV (A/E)
  • Trends in claims experience
  • Dependence of claims experience on variables such as occupation
  • Analysis of selection effects
  • Anonymized benchmarking
  • Causes of death/disability
  • Lapse analyses

“The topics are always presented in an interesting way. Not only dry numbers, but also background information and explanations are presented.”

If you are interested, please contact your market representative or the head of the pool team, Sarah Hogekamp.

UK Protection Pulse

UK Protection Pulse

This survey is a business data sharing service that provides insurance executives with an up-to-date picture of market developments and their share of the market. Gen Re Protection Pulse covers around 97% of the UK market.

U.S. Research Center

Gen Re’s Research Center conducts leading insurance industry research, producing valuable data and insights to help our clients make key business decisions.

Our experienced research professionals stay up to date on new survey methodologies and analysis approaches, and are involved with market research associations, providing an extra level of value to survey participants and clients alike.

U.S Research Center

"Our industry surveys and Behavioral Economics expertise provide clients with important analyses and actionable insights.”

If you are interested in learning more about US marketplace surveys, please contact your market representative or the head of the US research team, Heidi Alpren.

Featured Publications


Critical Illness

Gen Re offers reinsurance solutions, risk management support, and competitive market and consumer insights to meet all of your Critical Illness/Dread Disease and Accident insurance needs.

Critical Illness & Accident Insurance – Highlights of 2022 U.S. Market Survey
Sharing some highlights of the latest Gen Re Critical Illness and Accident Market Survey, with data from 31 U.S. carriers. This year’s benchmarking survey shows the market is strong, with 2022 new sales and in-force premium showing increases over 2021 results.
Ruth Potter
Group Medical EOI Underwriting – Key Takeaways From the U.S. Benchmarking Survey
A recent report from Gen Re’s U.S. Research Center focused on the staff companies have in place to process Evidence of Insurability applications, as well as the methods used to process them. Read about insurers’ top challenges facing Group Medical Underwriting Departments and other data points.
Joe Iannetti
Targeted Treatment of Allergies And Their Possible Impact on Disability Claims [Part 2 of 2]
In Europe health care for patients with allergic diseases is still inadequate although the number of people with allergies is steadily increasing and more treatment options are available. We discuss different treatment options and the impact on disability claims.
Dr. Sandra Mitic
Medicare Supplement – Highlights of 2022 U.S. Market Survey
Sharing results from our latest Medicare Supplement insurance industry survey – covering market trends for 2022 and capturing sales and in-force data, business performance, rate increase activity, underwriting tools and practices, claim metrics, and compensation and distribution details.
Lisa Bolduc