
New risks and a continuously changing legal landscape pose significant challenges for many professions. Our liability experts offer you appropriate reinsurance cover for your liability insurance risks.

The changing risk landscape is getting more complex every day, creating new challenges for all businesses.

At Gen Re we have a deep understanding of all casualty matters. We continuously monitor developments all over the world and share insights with our clientsWe offer Treaty and Facultative reinsurance solutions for a broad range of Casualty exposures and coverages.

Coverages include General Liability, Products Liability, Personal Accident, Products Recall, Liquor Liability, Railroad Protective/Owners & Contractors Protective Liability, Pollution/Environmental Impairment Liability, Commercial & Personal Umbrella, Homeowners/Householders Liability, and Workers’ Compensation.

Featured Topics

Biometric Information Privacy – Statutes, Claims and Litigation
Biometric information privacy legislation and resulting claims activity warrant close scrutiny by the insurance industry. While there is a lot of development to come on the legislative, liability and coverage fronts, there are things that U.S. businesses and insurers should consider now.
Glenn Frankel
Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, and Our Future – The Exciting and Occasionally Bumpy Road Ahead
As autonomous vehicles and drones continue their inexorable march forward, life as we know it will change. Read about the technological changes on the horizon.
Timothy Fletcher
Personal Injury Compensation in Europe: An Updated Comparison Among Different Systems Within the European Market
In this comparative study about Personal Injury Compensation, the five largest European insurance markets were analysed, taking into account all the possible inherent risks in such an undertaking and attempting to explain the differences between various systems of compensation.
Lorenzo Vismara, Francesca Nozzi, Richard C. Willoughby (London), Alix Pardo (Paris), Patrick Le Roy (Cologne), Martin Peiffer (Cologne), Federico Maroto (Madrid)

Tools & Services

Gen Re Connect

Customized application for clients to place Facultative reinsurance – for both Program and Individual Risk submissions.

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Gen Re Consulting

Gen Re’s consulting unit for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland works on actuarial issues in Property & Casualty insurance. Our focus is on standardized business (for private or small businesses).

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